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The logo for Blanca's Ministry comes from her first encounter and spiritual vision with the Lord, Jesus.
After being battered and left on a cold winter night, she called to Jesus.
She saw herself being scooped by a giant hand. Felt instant warmth and sound sleep till morning.
"It felt like a bed of feathers"
God is the creator of heaven and earth, the giver and taker of life. There are no other gods before Him.
Jesus is and was from the beginning. He is the Word, made flesh. He became flesh, bore our sickness from childhood, was crucified for our transgressions and defeated death when He rose again. We are healed by His stripes! His blood washes us clean of our sins and we will reign in glory with Him who sits at the right hand of the Father.
Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. A person, with feelings and emotions. He is our helper and comforter.
Baptism in water by complete submersion, where our old self dies with Christ and the new one rises to live for Christ.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. Holy Spirit manifested as stated in Acts. Fire that burns all that is not of the Lord and brings deliverance to the soul and body.
We believe in Matthew 28:19
To follow and live the life Christ left us as an example with the help of Holy Spirit. There is restoration of lives, minds and hearts when Jesus is accepted and Holy Spirit is allowed to dwell. We believe God is the author and finisher of everything we do.
Our vision is to do what Jesus commanded us to do which is to feed the hungry, take care of the widowed, orphaned and poor. Matthew 25:34-40 Showing the lost the love of the Father through Jesus Christ and the tangible presence of Holy Spirit. By doing this, we spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a 501 (C)3 and 170 (b)(1)(A)(vi) and FL Registration #CH72914 our current mission is to prepare food and take it directly to the camper community here in Port Charlotte, Fl. We currently feed roughly 50 people in just one of the 6 camping areas.
We will have a missionary trip this year to Pakistan to serve at tribal communities.
At a tender age the enemy has attacked us, from molestation, rape, death and even suicide.
After a life lived like hell, the Lord brought us together in 2004 during a very difficult time in both our lives. We were lost and on our way to the grave, literally. We met in July 2004, dated for 6 short months and married Jan 2005. Both single parents struggling to survive.
"Sex, drugs and rock n roll" had nothing on us. When we met, hell rejoiced. But little did it know that God had other plans. Gen 50:20
We were two broken people our souls fragmented, full of hurt, rejection, hate, rage and infirmities, just to name a few. We had the same perversions, the same wants, the same sins. We cheered each other on and dared each other to out do. We were our worst enemies yet we both helped each other keep satisfied.
At the verge of death several times, full of everything this world offers we kept going deeper and deeper into darkness. Street, gangs, clubs, anything to do with drugs, alcohol, sexual perversions, and many other things. There is NOTHING anyone can say to us that will shock us. If it was something of this world, we have done it, been around it or grew up in it. But Jesus had other plans. See the word of God says that we overcome him, (our enemy) by the power of the blood of the Lamb(Jesus) and the power of our testimony(how Jesus changed us) Revelation 12:11
After 13 years of marriage, at the verge of divorce and completely beat down by the world, Blanca surrendered her life to Christ. She called Terry and told him; "with you or without you, I am following Christ. I can no longer do life without Him. Do you want to do the same?". Terry stood there staring at her and said; "Yes". That was the beginning of their journey to get where they are now.
They currently live in Port Charlotte, FL. Home Inspectors in the area, blue collar workers. The family has currently grown to 8 grandchildren and numerous in-laws.
Their journey to grow their relationship with Christ and the deliverance of the chains they were tied to, have led them to start this charity called "In His Hands". With the Love of Christ they are free and spreading the good news of what Jesus has done in their lives, helping those who are in the same place they once were.
Copyright © 2024-2025 Blanca Rosa Ministries - All Rights Reserved.
IRC 501(c)(3) EIN # 93-1477738 Public Charity Status 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
Call BRM Ministries Inc. @ 941-977-2007